This week’s Kutuby Learning blog discusses 6 simple yet effective steps you can apply to strengthen Islamic values, renew core beliefs, and solidify your Iman in Allah(SWT) as a family.
Today, the modern Muslim family faces relentless pressure of performing in the real world, a world fraught with elements that go against the core Islamic definitions of a strong family. Read on to understand how we can challenge societal norms and strengthen Islamic values within our families.
A family institution is a core unit of society, and its multi-layered functions make it a crucial arm of the societal structure. A family’s main functions are birthing and bringing up new community members, as well as providing and caring for elderly members. If you read that again, this definition is not very different from the one an Islamic perspective offers.
In one of the several a hadith regarding the family unit, it is mentioned:
“A dinar you give in Allah’s way, or to free a slave, or as a charity to a needy person, or to take care of your family, the one bearing the greatest reward is that which you give your family.” (Muslim)
There is no doubt that Islam holds the Muslim family in very high regard, and an ideal, practicing Muslim family can be a stellar example of so many Islamic teachings. So, how can we ensure that we create a home environment that supports a natural inclination and love toward our deen?
After consulting experts on the subject, the Kutuby Learning team has formulated 6 simple steps to strengthen Islamic values in your family.

1. Love, Respect, and Share as a Family
The binding glue of a Muslim family is love, respect, and appreciation. Using beautiful and endearing words when we interact with our family members reflects Islamic teachings and creates unity within our homes. It is important to respect every individual regardless of age or position, and the best way to inculcate this habit in our children is to practice it ourselves. In building a harmonious family, respecting the elderly, and loving the little ones are critical Islamic tenets. The following hadith indicates the same,
“He does not belong to us who does not show mercy to our young ones and respect to our old ones, who does not recommend what is reputable and prohibits what is disreputable.”
- (Sunan At-Tirmizi)
Some ways you can illustrate this Islamic teaching in your family are:
- Listening consciously when someone talks to you
- Giving gentle yet sound advice when it is asked for
- Display affection, admiration, and concern for your family members
- Sharing what you have with others
- Involving everybody when making decisions for the family
2. Remembering Allah as a Family
Raising kids who are drawn towards the deen has become a formidable task. Our blog addresses this concern and offers 7 tried and tested solutions to raising children who love Islam.
The beauty of our religion is that we can remember Allah in so many different ways. From praying Salah and studying the Qur’an to doing daily adhkar, you can choose any form of remembrance to do together as a family. Click here to read our blog on the virtues of Dhikr.
One of our family favourites is reciting the Quran. Incorporate a family circle routine for Quran studies with your spouse and children. It is a vital step towards strengthening Islamic values within your family, and we can understand the same from the verse of the Holy Quran,
And remember that which is recited in your houses of the Revelations of God and prophetic wisdom. [al-Ahzab 33: 34]
Reading the Qur’an with your loved ones creates an atmosphere that creates memories and is a great way to get your kids to reinforce their Iman.
These powerful actions require us to be composed and in a receiving state--a state which can be incredibly calming for a family after going through a busy routine.

3. Learn about Islam as a Family
When the grown-ups in a family actively try to study a subject, it naturally motivates the younger ones to do the same. Age is no barrier when it comes to learning about Islam, and none of us is perfect, so use it as an opportunity to bond with your family. Enroll yourselves and your children in age-appropriate Islamic education courses and get into a healthy competitive spirit by testing one another on what you’ve learned.
Kutuby Learning is a one-stop learning space that offers children online Islamic education. At Kutuby Learning, authentic Islamic concepts are taught through fun and engaging animated lessons. Expert teachers in Islam develop all studies, and you can even track your child’s progress through quizzes. Follow this link to register for FREE and learn more about this exceptional learning opportunity for your kids!
4. Laugh and Play as a Family
Playtime and having fun with one’s family is key to staying united and strengthening Islamic values. It develops trust and allows for bonding between spouses, parents, and children. Strive to make your home an abode of laughter and joy so family members do not need to escape home to be entertained. Some common ways we love to relax with our family are:
- Spending time in nature
- Playing outdoor games
- Cooking together and enjoying family mealtimes
- Reading circles
- Enjoy a good movie together

5. Connect with Relatives as a Family
The Qur’an places being good to our relatives right after worshipping Allah and obedience to our parents.
The Qur’an says:
Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbour, the neighbour farther away, the companion at your side, the traveller, and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are arrogant and boastful. - (An-Nisa’ 4: 36).
Strengthening Islamic values within the family goes hand in hand with upholding relations with your extended family. Due to the ultra-nuclear family structure trending nowadays, we tend to neglect or not make time for our relatives. Making the extra and conscious effort to meet with your cousins, grandparents, uncles, and aunts, exchanging gifts, giving them their rights, and forgiving them for any shortcomings not only teaches our children to recognize the importance of kinship but also opens your home towards abundant mercy and barakah from Allah.

6. Give Sadaqah as a Family
Doing Sadaqah together can be extremely rewarding and strengthen your family’s Islamic values like no other. Sadaqah, or charity, teaches us to be humble and appreciate the blessings we enjoy daily. It serves as a purification of the heart and brings you closer. Let your kids know that even smiling at each other is an act of Sadaqah, and by this, we mean smiling at your kids more often. Other opportunities for doing Sadaqah as a family include:
- Sponsoring an orphan child.
- Visiting an elderly home and spending time with the senior members of the community
- Volunteering for a beach cleaning drive
- Cooking and distributing food to the needy
- Inviting family and friends for dinner
These were the Kutuby Learning top 6 ideas for strengthening Islamic values in your family. What other activities do you think help us bond better as a family? Drop a comment and let us know!