This week’s Kutuby Learning blog discusses 5 Sunnah tips that can transform your family for the better!
Sunnah is often recognized as the backbone of Islam. It is important to implement and follow the Sunnah to be successful in our lives. But before we share some Sunnah Tips to transform your family, it is critical to understand what Sunnah means.
Sunnah translates to “habitual practices”. In Islamic terminologies, Sunnah refers to the religious practices that were established by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ among his companions and have been passed to us by the consensus of generations. Sunnah is the secondary source of Islamic Law. Its value is next to that of the Qur’an. It is through following the life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ that we can enhance and widen the barakah that comes into our homes. So let’s get started!

1. Start with Your Parents
Islam places a tremendous emphasis on showing respect and love towards parents, providing for them, and taking care of them. While our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ lost his parents very early during his childhood, he always advised and ordered us to treat our parents with love, respect, dignity, and kindness.
It was narrated from Mu'awiyah bin Jahimah As-Sulami, that Jahimah came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and said: "O Messenger of Allah! I want to go out and fight (in Jihad) and I have come to ask your advice." He said: "Do you have a mother?" He said: "Yes." He said: "Then stay with her, for Paradise is beneath her feet."
- (Sunan an-Nasa'i 3104)
Islam encourages you to obey and respect parents in your childhood and to care and provide for them in their old age, when they are unable to work.
If you have your parents around, let your children see you treat them in the most gentle, the most loving manner possible. This is far more effective in teaching them about respect for parents than preaching it to them through your words. If your parents live away, encourage your kids to be in touch with them regularly by doing so yourself.
Here’s an interesting read on how you can Strengthen Islamic Values in Your Family with 6 Simple Steps.
2. Providing for and Loving Your Children
Narrated Abu Mas`ud Al-Ansari: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "When a Muslim spends something on his family intending to receive Allah's reward it is regarded as Sadaqah for him."
- (Sahih al-Bukhari 5351)
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ adored children. There are several collections of Hadith that talk bout how the Prophet peace be upon him treated his daughters, their children, and the children around him. When it comes to raising children the right way, striving to follow the Sunnah of our Prophet ﷺ can only lead to success. It is a part of Sunnah to provide love and affection for your children. Children have the right to be treated equally, vis-a-vis their siblings. However, it is worth keeping in mind that although you may love all your kids equally and treat them without difference, they each require individualised care as they are their own person with unique personalities. Our main aim must be to raise our children in the shade of Islam tenderly. To help you with just that, we have an interesting read on 7 Ways to Raise Children Who Love Islam.

3. Exemplifying Islam for Your Family
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was an exemplary figure of all Islam stands for. He showed us what being a good Muslim means. For truly transforming your family, reclaim his Sunnah of showing rather than telling.
Practice the etiquettes of Islam such as sound akhlaq or good behaviours with your close family, friends, and the community, and you will witness your family not only benefits from your goodness but also absorbs and reflects the same. Make room for empathy towards the faults of family members, and avoid talking negatively about anybody in front of your children. Do not forsake the fundamentals of your deen if you hope for your children to uphold them. Stay far, far away from questionable sources of income.
Of course, this doesn't come easily, but showing patience and resilience in challenging times is also a part of Sunnah, and with time, your actions will invoke Allah’s barakah into how your children grow as robust Muslims, how your health thrives, and how Sakinah or contentment envelopes your family. To help you along the way, include du’a in your daily routine. Teach your kids to call on Allah through du’a and teach them this simple yet powerful du’as.
You can find more du’as and Islamic content on Kutuby Learning when you register for FREE here. We also post daily on our Instagram and Facebook pages where we teach different Arabic words, Dua’s and quizzes. Our Youtube Channel offers short videos which your little one can watch anywhere on the go!
However, the Kutuby Team is much more ambitious than this which brings us to our next point.

4. Seeking Knowledge through Kutuby Learning
The Prophet ﷺ embraced me and said, “O Allah! Teach him (the knowledge of) the Book (Qur’an).”
— Sahih al-Bukhari 7270
Learning and seeking knowledge is a Sunnah Muslims must follow as the Prophet PBUH himself was a learner. That is where we provide help. Kutuby Learning is an online Islamic education platform that helps you provide quality education of deen to your child. We provide animated lessons and courses offered by master teachers and qualified scholars.
Kutuby Learning values the importance of providing Islamic knowledge to your young Muslims for an excellent and ideal upbringing. Kutuby Learning is becoming one of the fastest expanding services where your child’s Islamic journey grows leaps and bounds in a very organic manner. Here, we teach children more than Islam. We show them how to love and implement it.
Sign up to enrol on our free courses now.
5. Offering Sadaqah and Other Acts of Charity
Muhammad ﷺ was known for generosity even before he became a Prophet. And so, Sadaqah is an important Sunnah. It develops in us a feeling of compassion for the hardships of others.
Partake in the local community events where your family can be involved in doing charitable deeds and giving back. When you cannot, remember that sadaqah is as simple as removing a stone from a pathway or even smiling back at a fellow Muslim. Teach your family this sunnah by practising it abundantly in various ways because honestly, there is always something that you can do in the service of others that is regarded as an act of charity in Islam.
Following the above sunnah tips will ensure that your family transforms into a giving and welcoming space overflowing with barakah and satisfaction. Visit our social media pages and tell us what you would like us to share next. We’ll see you next week with another blog, InshAllah.