This week’s Kutuby Learning blog discusses 7 effective ways in which Muslim parents can teach, inculcate, and encourage strong Islamic values in children through a manner that draws little hearts towards Islam.
“A child is a trust (placed by Allah) in the hands of his parents, and his innocent heart is a precious element capable of taking impressions”. [Al-Ghazali]
In today’s times, the journey to raising a practising Muslim family is quite arduous. The societal pressure of walking with the current lifestyle trends, whether they are aligned with our Islamic teachings or not, is now higher than ever. Kutuby Learning, an online Islamic education platform, recognises the importance of inculcating authentic and sound Islamic values in children from very early on and implements them in their Islamic courses. While the goal is to nurture children who believe in Allah, it is imperative to do it in a way that brings them closer to the deen.
After talking to renowned Islamic teachers and parenting experts, the Kutuby Learning team has put together 7 effective ways to raise children who LOVE Islam. Read on to know what these are!
1. Love Islam Yourself!
The primary step is to love Islam yourself. As simple as it may sound, to love Islam is less about performing obligatory acts of worship and more about connecting with Allah beyond the actions of prayer. Strive to make your home a place that is full of love and joy and a place where the name of Allah is mentioned often. From saying “Bismillah” before drinking water and “Alhamdulilah” for showing gratitude to remembering Allah during moments of hardship, you can make sure that you are laying an excellent foundation that your child can observe and learn from.

2. Let’s Go to The Masjid
Now that we have our basics covered, let’s start your child’s Islamic journey through exposure. Bringing your children to the masjid is one of the most beautiful things you can do to nurture an inclination toward Islam naturally. Being at the masjid offers a priceless chance to introduce your children to the local Muslim community. It gets them acquainted with other practising children of the same faith which reassures them with a sense of belonging, something that is so necessary for young Muslims today. Don’t let the thought of an empty mosque deter you from this idea, either. The tranquillity one is blessed with inside a relatively vacant mosque can be incredibly soothing to a child’s mental and emotional health. Additionally, even if your children aren’t old enough to pray, let them hang around, and they will be imitating your Salah actions in no time!

3. Pray Salah Together as a Family
Another meaningful way to raise children who love Islam is through Salah. Salah is an act of our sacred time with our Lord, rooted in our love for Him. A small prayer mat for your child can encourage them to offer Salah. Family Salah is a powerful tool. It brings every member closer as it creates a space for vulnerability, love, and patience. Remember not to use the negative implications of not praying Salah to pressure your young child into praying. When positive memories are associated with praying, it is more likely that your child will grow into an adult who loves Salah.

4. Be consistent with Qur’an and Islamic studies
If you want your children to be connected to their Creator, make Qur’an recitation a daily practice. Even if it is a little a day, chalk time to sit down with your kids and recite and understand the Qur’an. Providing your children with an age-appropriate platform for Islamic studies is also crucial in helping them learn more about Islam. Here is where Kutuby Learning comes in handy. Kutuby Learning, an online Islamic education platform is a one-stop learning space where authentic Islamic courses are taught through fun and engaging animated lessons. Expert teachers in Islam develop the lessons; you can even track your child’s progress through quizzes. Follow this link to register for FREE and learn more about this exceptional learning opportunity for your kids!

5. Eid Time!
Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha are an opportunity to grow closer to your Muslim community and to spread love. Encourage your children to celebrate Eid in all its glory by creating beautiful Eid traditions for which they can be excited. Doing up the home for Eid, keeping the outfits ready a night before Eid Salah, and going as a family to Eid prayers together are some of our fondest childhood memories. Do your best to keep Eid celebrations on par with the other celebrations you enjoy with your kids. Teach them about charity and sharing with the less fortunate by discussing and carrying out acts of charity together.
6. Tenderness and Patience
While raising kids is no easy feat, keeping your patience through it all is equally important. Remember that they are just little children who have no accountability in the eyes of Allah, the Almighty. Instead, it is us who are answerable to Allah for the way we raise our children. Our actions can either draw children towards or drive them away from Islam. Leniency and tenderness with a child are highly encouraged in Islam. And so, patience will go a long way in teaching your children to love and rely on the deen.

7. Du’a and Istighfar
Allah (SWT) is Almighty. Without His will, no efforts can bear blessed results. Make continuous and sincere du’a for your children’s success as steadfast Muslims. Istighfar (Repentance) takes an individual a long way in this world. It is integral, as it is ultimately up to Allah to give guidance. We need to do the process but trust and put tawakkul in Allah for the results.
These were 7 of our tried and tested ways of raising children who love Islam. Do you practice any of these? What other ways do you rely on as parents to nurture your little Muslims? The Kutuby Learning family would be thrilled to know, so leave your thoughts in the comments below!