This week’s Kutuby Learning blog illuminates 10 ways you can effectively apply in your household to instil the love of the Qur’an in kids.
“We have revealed to you the Book only to clarify for them what they differed about, and as a guide and mercy for those who believe.” - Qur’an 16:64
Qur’an, the ultimate book of guidance, the final revelation. Within it is a complete code of life. Every Muslim wishes to abide by it. We want to implement it in our life. Among these desires is also our desire to pass down this Holy book to our children. However, we are not always sure on where or how to start. If you often wonder, “How can I make my children love and study the Qur’an without forcing it onto them?”, then you are not alone.
Read on as the Kutuby Learning Team brings you numerous simple tips and techniques to make your children develop a lifelong bond and connection to the Qur’an.
1. Implement the Teachings of Qur’an
One of the most important things to take care of before instilling the teachings of Qur’an in a child’s heart is to implement it first ourselves. Children always observe the surroundings they grow up in. It is the environment that develops their interests and habits. Ensure your home is full of generosity, love and tenderness. Practice the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in your daily life so it feels natural for your children to follow. Once you do that, you can rest assured that your kids will be observing and absorbing all of this. It would be hypocritical to disobey the teachings of Islam while enforcing them on your kids.
2. Recite or Listen to the Qur’an at Home
The recitation of the Quran is marvellous and touches hearts. Beginning the day by playing Quran recitation can have a tremendous impact on invigorating kids for the day, and similarly ending the day on the same note can help them in winding down. The daily stimulus of listening to the Qur’an will invoke the question of why do we do it with such love and regularity. Listening to the Qur’an daily also helps in memorising simple surahs and ayahs.
Some of our favourite online resources to listen to the Quran are:
The Qariah App: A one of a kind app which features some of the most learned female reciters or Qariahs of the Holy Quran. What we love about this resource is how inspiring it can be for our daughters to identify and look up to female reciters of the Holy Quran. And it’s completely free! So, go ahead and download it here. This resource allows you to read the Quranic ayahs, alongside providing word-for-word translations in a wide selection of reciters.

3. Teach them Simple and Easy Arabic Words
The Qur’an was revealed in Arabic. Therefore, it is crucial to learn the blessed language in order to understand the Qur’an to its maximum potential. Of course, for kids, it will be a slow and steady process. That is where Kutuby Learning introduces its “Arabic word of the week”. Kutuby learning is an online Islamic education platform that offers Islamic courses for kids. Our Youtube channel and Instagram page uploads an Arabic word on a weekly basis where your child can understand many important words that are mentioned in the Qur’an, along with some fun facts that they can remember. Do subscribe and follow now so that you don’t miss out on anything.
4. Educate them about Allah SWT and The Prophet ﷺ
Qur’an is the word of Allah SWT and it was sent down to humanity through our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. It was only possible through his struggles and his sacrifices that we gained Islam. He was a man of focus, commitment and sheer will. Talk to your kids about who the Prophet peace be upon him was, the ways he taught us about Islam, and how Muhammad ﷺ will be there to welcome Muslims into Jannah. The Imam Omar Sulaiman series, Meeting Mohammad ﷺ is a wonderfully expansive introduction to this topic. Additionally, to understand the Qur’an is to understand Allah SWT. Here’s a bonus article to read and teach your kids about who Allah is.
5. Read to them Stories of the Prophets
There are narrations of the previous Prophets in the Qur’an before the time of Muhammad ﷺ. About 25 Prophets have been mentioned in the Qur’an with their stories. These can come pretty handy when you are racking your brains trying to think of bedtime stories! Choose from the story of Prophet Nuh A.S and his ark, the story of Prophet Ibrahim’s A.S life, the incidents of Prophet Musa A.S and Prophet Isa A.S to subtly teach your kids about Islamic history.
6. Focus on Understanding and not just Memory
A common mistake Muslim families make is to recite and memorise the Qur’an without actually understanding it. This causes dullness and retardation of a child’s inclination towards Islam. They lack the nourishment that comes from understanding the Holy book. Recite from various chapters of the Qur’an and try to discuss what the verses mean with your kids. It is encouraged not to limit the recitations to Juz ‘Amma only due to the fact that most of the chapters in the last part of the Quran talk about the Day of Judgement and punishments, which can be introduced once your young one has formed a connection of love with Allah SWT. If you wish to raise a Muslim child inclined towards Islam, click here to read this interesting blog. Another way you can strengthen your Islamic values within your family is by reading these thoughtful tips and tricks.
7. Tell them about Rewards
There is a reward for reciting each and every letter of the Qur’an.
Ibn Mas'ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Whoever recites a letter from the Book of Allah, he will be credited with a good deed, and a good deed gets a ten-fold reward. I do not say that Alif-Lam-Mim is one letter, but Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter and Mim is a letter." - [At- Tirmidhi].
Encouraging your child to recite the Qur’an through small tokens of appreciation is a great way to get them attracted towards the book of Allah SWT. Another great alternative that earns us heaps of rewards is to do Dhikr. Click here to read the virtues of Dhikr.
8. Answer their Questions
According to a recent UK Independent Article, curious children ask an average of 73 questions per day. Half of those questions many parents struggle to answer, often turning to Google or making something up on the spot. It is important to answer any questions your children may have regarding Islam and the Qur’an. It also proves that your child is thinking and reflecting on their religion. Do not shun them for their silly questions as they are innocent. Look for how you can answer their questions, and that is where Kutuby Learning comes in.
9. Get your Kids on Kutuby Learning
In the 21st Century, with the exponential growth of social media, providing a trusted Islamic teaching platform for your young ones has become very simple. Kutuby Learning is an online Islamic education platform that offers courses offered by master teachers with animated lessons, quizzes, and much more. Kutuby Learning is becoming one of the fastest expanding services where your child’s Islamic journey grows leaps and bounds in a very organic manner. Here, we teach children more than Islam. We teach them how to love and implement it.
Sign up to enrol on our free courses now.
10. Make Du’a and teach them as well
Everything in the universe is under the control of Allah SWT, and He does as He wills. That is why du’a is an essential component needed to fulfil our appropriate wants and needs. Make du’a and supplication for your kids and teach them to do the same as well. Kutuby Learning posts du’a for your child every week on Instagram and Facebook. That said, make sure you don’t miss out by following us to view our daily content. We have a detailed article on how you can teach your kids to make du’a.
These were 10 ways you can make your child love the Qur’an. Please visit our socials and feel free to leave any comments that you would like. We’ll see you next week InshAllah.