Simple Effort, Great Reward - The Virtues of Dhikr
In the grind of daily routines and schedules, we often find it challenging to fit in praiseworthy acts of worship beyond the obligatory ones. Yet Islam, as an all-encompassing Religion, has given us the gift of Dhikr. Dhikr means remembrance, and technically in Islam it refers to the remembrance of Allah Almighty. This remembrance may be manifested in the form of praise, gratitude and affirmation of His Oneness.
If we were to go about our daily lives with more consciousness, we would easily realize that there are quite a range of different time frames throughout the day when we are just quiet. We may be performing a routine task, such as driving or household chores, but our silence is holding us back from golden opportunities for rewards. Dhikr is a deed that requires minimal bodily effort but offers numerous rewards and blessings that are reflected in the life of the person who regularly performs it.
A Source of Peace and Tranquility
Dhikr is not only a means of adding to our scale of good deeds for the Hereafter, but it also has an effect on our hearts. The peace and tranquility that grow in the heart of the person who is often engaged in dhikr are among the greatest rewards of this life. Dhikr powerfully distracts the person’s heart from being worn down by the continuous worries of this life.
Allah describes such people in the Quran as those whose;
“hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah '' - (Surah Al-Ra’d (13:28)).
Being Remembered by Allah
One of the virtues of Dhikr that immensely humbles the true Believer is the distinctive reward of being remembered by Allah, the Most High.
Allah says:
“Therefore remember Me (by praying, glorifying, etc.). I will remember you” (Surah Al-Baqarah -(2:152)).
As humans, it is part of our nature to feel pleased if an important person recognizes our achievements or merely mentions our name. We can only imagine how virtuous it is then to be mentioned by the King of all kings!
The Angels Descend
The lofty position that Dhikr carries in Islam is vividly portrayed in the multiple blessings enjoyed by those who practice it. Such people are blessed to have the pure Angels surround them at the time of their remembrance of Allah.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“No people gather to remember Allah Almighty but that the angels surround them, cover them with mercy, send tranquility upon them, and mention them to Allah among those near to Him” (Sahih Muslim)
A Type of Charity
The beauty of the Religion of Islam is that it has made acquiring rewards within the reach of all members of society regardless of their social status or wealth. When some of the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) complained to him that the wealthy were giving plenty in charity and they were not able to do so, he immediately advised them to perform dhikr in order to get equal rewards.
Immense Rewards
Allah is the Most Generous; and He is extremely Generous with the rewards promised to those who simply move their lips uttering His Praise. There are countless hadith that describe huge rewards to remembering Allah. The aforementioned are only some of the virtues of Dhikr that should drive us to make a conscious effort to gradually build it as a habitual part of our lives. It is a deed that is so simple to instill in young children whilst reminding them of the enormous rewards they are filling up their scales with. We have been given the opportunity to turn the never ending races of this life in a completely different direction through the blessings of continuous Dhikr.
As for the race towards the eternal rewards of the Hereafter, the Prophet (peace be upon him) already declared the winners saying:
“Those in solitude have raced ahead.” They said, “Oh Messenger of Allah, who are those in solitude?” The Prophet said, “They are men and women who remember Allah often” (Sahih Muslim).